Dr. Shishir Verghese
Title: Fading Glory.
Description: These are Monochromatic images of the left eye of a patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) displaying distinct ocular manifestations. The first image, on the left, captures sea fan neovascularization at its peak, flourishing over an ischemic retina. The second image, on the right, reveals partial regression of the neovascularization, six weeks after undergoing targeted laser photocoagulation. The progression is evocative of a tree in full bloom during spring, gradually withering away as autumn approaches.
Dr. Vipin Rana
Title: Takayasu retinopathy as the initial manifestation of Takayasu Arteritis.
Description: Ultra-wide field fundus fluorescein angiogram (FFA) of a 28-year-old male with Takayasu arteritis shows the following:
A) Early venous phase of the right eye with increased arteriovenous filling time and retinal vessel filling limited to the midperiphery (leading edge sign). Noted are hyperfluorescent disc and superonasal area, midperipheral microaneurysms, and capillary non-perfusion in all quadrants beyond the midperiphery. B) Late phase of the right eye reveals optic disc hyperfluorescence, increased leakage in the superonasal area, staining of midperipheral microaneurysms, and persistent capillary non-perfusion. C) Left eye exhibits delayed choroidal and arterial filling (leading edge sign). D) Early venous phase of the left eye shows disc staining, leakage from a wreath-like arteriovenous anastomosis, midperipheral microaneurysms, and capillary non-perfusion in all quadrants beyond the midperiphery
Dr. Arman Dawar
Title: Bilateral Occlusive Vasculopathy with Roth Spots.
Description: A 24/F presented to OPD with complaints of diminution of vision since 1 day. She delivered a premature baby 4 days prior to coming to the OPD and was on Hydroxychloroquine (300mg) treatment since 1.5 years for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. She received 7 doses of intravenous Magnesium sulfate in the last month of her pregnancy. She also had a history of pregnancy induced hypertension since 2 months. Her Visual Acuity in RE was 6/18 N12 and 6/60 N36 in LE. Fundus photo showed Bilateral retinal ischemia with sclerosed vessels and Roth spots present temporal to the macula extending in far periphery of superotemporal, temporal and inferotemporal quadrants. OCT of RE showed hyper reflective dots in outer retinal layers and sub retinal fluid subfoveally and temporal to it whereas LE showed outer retinal hyperreflectivity.
So, we present a case of pregnancy related anemic occlusive vasculopathy. The patient was started on conservative management and was asked to review with blood reports.