Dr. Nikhil K
Title: Impending Doom
Description: Image of fundus of right eye of a 75-year-old patient with peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy (PEHCR) with extensive subretinal hemorrhage, choroidal detachment and subretinal fluid in the periphery and macula just sparing fovea. The patient has history of previous cardiac event, and he is on aspirin tablets. He is a known case of chronic kidney disease on dialysis.
Dr. Anand Temkar
Title: Both Eyes Macular Coloboma
Description: A 24 yrs old male came with chief complaint of diminution of vision in both eyes since childhood. Vision in both eyes was 6/24. IOP in RE was 12 and LE was 14 mm of Hg. The serology testing such as serum IgM, IgG for toxoplasma and cytomegalovirus was negative. The patient had sharply defined large, yellowish white, coarsely pigmented, atrophic, round crater like defect at the macula in both eyes. Optical coherence tomography revealed disruption of retinochoroidal complex, atrophic neurosensory retina and absence of retinal pigment epithelium and choroid in the macular region of both eyes.
Dr. Ashish Naresh Holani
Title: A case of Von Hippel Lindau disease ophthalmic manifestation
Description:Case of young 25 years male presented with diminision of vision right eye since 2 months. He was one eyed history of left eye lost in some trauma in childhood. on exam anterior segment wnl. On fundus exam there is retinal exudations with inferior exudative retinal detachment with subretinal deposits in macular area. Dilated tortuous retinal blood vessels feeder vessel and multiple retinal hemangioblastomas present. superiorly normal retina seen. Attached here with montage fundus picture showing mentioned retinal findings. Abdominal ultrasonography done shows both kidneys multiple cystic lesions confirmed the diagnosis of Vol Hippel Lindau disease.