Dr. Reema
Title: A candle in the sea of darkness
Description: Cilioretinal sparing Central Retinal Artery occlusion.

Dr.Vaidehi Sathaye
Title: Giant Retinal Tear
Description: Giant Retinal Tear in a 15-year-old male patient, treated with Bimanual Vitrectomy with Silicon oil infusion.

Dr. Rushik Patel
Title: Reverse polarity OCTAngio in Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion- The Spring
Description: A 50-year-old female underwent vitrectomy in her right eye for vitreous haemorrhage. Old ischemic superotemporal branch retinal vein occlusion with fibrovascular proliferation (FVP) near the superior arcade was found during vitrectomy. FVP was trimmed and endolaser was applied in the drainage area of the occluded retinal vein. 1 month post-operative, the retina was attached with trimmed FVP (TFVP) (white arrow) along with laser marks (A1). The 9*9mm reverse polarity swept source OCT Angiography (OCTA) at full macula slab showed muted vascular component of TFVP (orange arrows, A2) along with capillary non-perfusion (CNP) areas. Patient was kept under observation. When patient presented 1 year later, re-neovascularization (NVE)(orange arrows, B1) was developed around the temporal part of the TFVP(B1). Re-NVE from the muted vascular component of TFVP (orange arrow) and corresponding capillary non-perfusion areas were well depicted in the reverse polarity OCTA (12*12mm)(full macula slab) (B2). This re-appearance of NVE on reverse polarity OCTA resembles The spring”” phenomenon (B2, magnified image B3).