Dr. Shishir Verghese
Title: The Bullet Ridden Retina
Description: Fundus image obtained via Nidek, Mirante of a case of lasered branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) with fibrovascular proliferation (FVP) where the laser marks have given way to multiple small retinal holes due to traction from the FVP.

Dr. Sourav Santra
Title: These are not 360 laser marks!
Description: This is an ultra wide field fundus image(Optos) of a 13 year old girl suffering from gyrate atrophy who presented with nyctalopia and myopia. Fundus image shows sharply demarcated lesions of chorioretinal atrophy extending from the vascular arcade posteriorly to far periphery anteriorly excluding the posterior pole. Gyrate atrophy is a rare autosomal recessive condition characterized by raised plasma ornithine levels due to deficiency of the enzyme ornithine aminotransferase.
Dr. Manmath kumar Das
Title: Ultra wide field imaging in Takayasu arteritis
Description: We present a case of a 25year old female, a known case of Takayasu arteritis who presented with gradual diminution of vision in both eyes. It was associated with intermittent pain, redness, watering, and headache. Best corrected visual acuity in right eye was Hand movement+ and left eye was 6/12. Anterior segment examination showed presence of iris neovascularisation and posterior subcapsular cataract in right eye. Dilated fundus examination showed areas of avascular retina in both eyes. Left eye had vitreous haemorrhage along with neovascularisation at disc and arterio-venous shunting.
On performing ultra wide field fundus fluorescein angiogram we observed extensive non perfusion areas in all quadrants. Multiple microaneurysms are noted in perfused areas. Arteriovenous anastomoses are also seen. Foveal avascular zone is enlarged and irregular due to non perfusion. Arm to retina time is 25sec OD and 29sec OS.