Dr. Kushal Delhiwala
Title: Macular hyperoleon associated with lamellar macular hole and dislocated IOL-bag complex
Description: A 73-year-old male presented with blurred vision in the right eye. He underwent silicone oil removal before 2 years following retinal detachment surgery. Ultra-widefield fundus image of the right eye showed inverse macular pseudohypopyon (black arrow), inferiorly dislocated IOL-bag complex (white arrow), and attached retina with residual emulsified silicone oil particles. Swept-source OCT of macula demonstrated epiretinal membrane with lamellar macular hole (LMH) and small hyperreflective spherical bodies corresponding to emulsified silicone oil particles (red arrow), occupying the space created due to intraretinal splitting associated with LMH.BCVA was 6/36 with aphakic correction.’

Dr. Sourav D
Title: All that glistens isn”t gold
Description: A 44-year-old female presented with a gradual onset diminution of vision in the right eye. Both eyes fundoscopy revealed glistening reflexes with abnormal retinal wrinkling(R>L). OCT of the affected right eye revealed an abnormal ILM, intraretinal schisis, and CME. The ERG was negative in the affected RE. A diagnosis of Muller cell sheen dystrophy or Familial internal limiting membrane dystrophy was made. A poor visual prognosis was explained to the patient.

Dr. Mehgana Neeralagi
Title: The starry night- not by Van Gogh
Wide field pseudo-color image and SLO- based autofluorescence images of OU of a 28-year-old woman who came for a routine examination. BCVA- 6/6, N6 OU. Wide field pseudo-color fundus photographs revealed retinal flecks that affected all the fundus sparing the macular area. Fundus autofluorescence also demonstrated symmetrical yellow-white fleck lesions that affected both eyes. Full-field ERG and EOG were normal. A diagnosis of benign familial fleck retina was made.