Dr. Shishir Verghese
Title: The Solar FlareDescription: Intraoperative still of a dislocated lens with central yellow nucleus and surrounding white liquified cortex, the arrangement resembling flares from the sun surface

Dr. Akash Belenje
Title: Neonatal multimodal imaging in aggressive retinopathy of prematurity with anemia
Description: The fundus examination showed right eye (Figure 1A) and left eye (Figure 1B): Right eye aggressive retinopathy of prematurity with extensive shunting and looping of vessels in zone 1 and zone 2 posterior. There are hemorrhages seen at different retinal layers both superficial and deeper layers. There is a large sub hyaloid hemorrhage inferior to the disc and along the inferior arcade. The vessels show extensive sclerosis. The left eye showed aggressive retinopathy of prematurity with shunting and looping of vessels with multi layered hemorrhages and few areas of vascular sclerosis. The right eye presentation appears to be more severe. The baby underwent both eyes intravitreal anti-VEGF on the same day. As a routine standard of care blood hemoglobin was done which showed 8.8grams/dl suggestive of moderate anemia. The baby underwent blood transfusion. At 1-week post injection both eyes fundus showed reducing plus disease with resolving hemorrhages (Figure 1C and 1D).
Dr. Maheshwari S
Description: 13 year old female presented with complaints of seeing black dot in the centre obscuring vision . She was previously treated outside with intravenous methyl prednisolone followed by tapering dose of oral steroids . On evaluation her BCVA OU 6/24. Anterior segment evaluation was normal and posterior segment evaluation showed Bilateral disc edema with macular exudation with retinal vasculitis and aneurysmal dilation of arterioles. On evaluation ANA was strongly positive , rest of basic blood investigation was normal . Patient was diagnosed with Idiopathic Retinal Vasculitis, Aneurysms and Neuroretinitis(IRVAN) Syndrome. She was treated with Intra vitreal ozurdex injection in both eye. Patient was also started on oral Mycophenolate Mofetil 1g. Patient responded well with resolution of exudation and BCVA improved to 6/12p OU.