Bhavani S
Title: Clew of worms appearance gave a clue to diagnosis
Description: An asymptomatic 25-year-old female came for a routine eye check-up. BCVA in both eyes – 6/6. The fundus examination of her right eye revealed dilated and tortuous arteriovenous malformations in the retina. FFA showed no leakage from the malformations. The patient was advised observation and periodic follow-up. MRI brain showed no vascular malformations.
Meghana Neeralgi
Title: Worm in the Eye
Description: Wide field pseudo color image of both eyes of a 56-year-old man who came for complaints of left eye floaters. BCVA- Both eyes 6/6, N6. The right eye examination is within normal limits. . Wide-field pseudocolor fundus photographs of the left eye revealed a well-defined cystic lesion in the vitreous cavity with a scolex at the center of the lesion. A diagnosis of cysticercosis was made.
Dr Vineet Shah
TITLE: Multimodal Imaging in VKH
Description: We present an image combining multimodal investigation aiding in the diagnosis of VKH in a 15-year young female who presented to us with headache and diminution of vision in the left eye for 1 week. Her BCVA in the right eye was 6/6 and the left eye was 6/60. On Examination fundus of the left eye showed multiple SRF Pockets. OCT showed multiple SRF Pockets with bacillary layer detachment. FFA and ICGA confirmed the diagnosis of VKH and the patient was started on oral steroids. The patient had improved symptoms in the follow up period.