Dr.Aditya Maitray
VRSI Image
Spontaneous serpentine RPE rip
Multimodal imaging of a spontaneous serpentine/curvilinear large RPE rip secondary to PCV. Optos wide field image (a) and autofluorescence image (with inset image of horizontal SD-OCT scan through fovea) (b), FFA (c) and ICGA(d) images highlighted the RPE rip passing across the posterior pole along with other areas of subretinal hemorrhage and peripheral lesions suggestive of PCV. Patient complained of sudden onset metamorphopsia and had a BCVA of 6/6!
Dr. Aditya Maitray, MS, Dr. Piyush Kohli, MS
Department of Vitreoretinal services, Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai
Description of image
Retinal fundus montage image of a 19 year old male showing Golden Tapetal reflex in both eyes and FFERG showing grossly reduced scotopic responses with normal photopic responses in both eyes.
Diagnosis –
A 31 years old female came with chief complaints of dimness of vision in right eye since 1 week. Her vision in right eye was 6/60 and anterior segment vision was normal. Right eye fundus showed an active large plaque-like choroiditis lesion on posterior pole involving macula, with a prominent orange ring and outer fuzzy active margin(A). Fundus Autofluoroscence(FAF) showed ” dual lesion margins” of hyperautofluorescence separated by a zone of hypoautofluorescence(B). Optical coherence tomography through the lesion showed loss of photoreceptors with retinal pigment epithelium folding corresponding to the inner hyperautofluoroscent margin seen on FAF or prominent orange line seen clinically.