Winner of August 2022

Dr. Rushik Patel

Title: Reverse Polarity OCTA in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

Description: Reverse polarity OCTA of left eye of a 40 years old diabetic patient showing extensive capillary non-perfusion areas on the verge to involve macula.

Dr. Bhavani S

Title: Benign familial Fleck Retina

Description: Colour fundus photograph of left eye of an asymptomatic 52 year old male patient who presented with Benign familial fleck retina””.

Dr. Vineet P Shah

Title: Unsettling Bonfire

Description: A  7 year old boy presented  with visual acuity is 6/9, N6 in the right eye and 6/60, N36 in the left eye . Left eye had a yellowish lesion in the center along with haemorrhage around whereas the right eye showed a yellowish boat shaped subretinal deposit. OCT showed a hyperreflective area in the right eye and subretinal fluid in the left eye. OCTA showed a network in the left eye which confirmed the presence of  choroidal neovascular membrane . EOG shows abnormal Arden ratio confirming Best disease. Left eye was diagnosed to have  Best disease with choroidal neovascular membrane and has been advised Anti VEGF injection.