Dr.Gaganjeet Singh Gujral
Title: Bilateral Symmetrical Foveal Sub-ILM Hemorrhage in Pernicious Anaemia
Description: Montage fundus photograph of both eyes depicts symmetrical foveal preretinal altered hemorrhage with few scattered superficial retinal hemorrhages scattered across posterior pole. OCT localized the preretinal blood to the sub-internal limiting membrane (ILM) space.

Dr.Anjana Mirajkar
Title: A case of Spontaneous RPE RIP (LE)
Description: A 62-year-old male came with chief complaints of dimness of vision in LE for 1 month and metamorphopsia in RE for 11 years. The BCVA in RE was 6/6 and in LE was 6/18. The patient was advised oral steroids elsewhere, in view of some inflammatory pathology before presenting to us. No prior surgical intervention was done, and there was no systemic illness. The patient was advised LE anti-VEGF injections with explained prognosis in view of spontaneous RPE RIP.

Dr.Akansha Sharma
Title: Managing a case of sub-hyaloid hemorrhage by YAG laser Hyaloidotomy
Description: A 40-year-old male presented with a best corrected visual acuity of 1/60 in his left eye for 4 days post sneezing and was diagnosed to have a sub-hyaloid hemorrhage. He was managed with YAG laser hyaloidotomy post which the visual acuity improved to 6/18. The vision was 6/9 till the last follow-up.