VRSI 2023 International Faculties

Dr Kelvin Teo
Senior Consultant,
Singapore National Eye Centre

Dr Wei chi Wu
Professor Ophthalmology,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital,

Dr Rajendra Apte,
Paul A. Cibis Distinguished Professor,
Vice Chair for Innovation and Translation,
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine,
Departments of Ophthalmology,
Developmental Biology and Medicine

Dr Dilraj Singh Grewal
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology,
Duke Eye Center

Dr – Hany Hamza Professor,
Cairo University,

Dr Rupesh Agrawal
is a senior consultant ophthalmologist – clinician scientist
and Deputy head of research at National Healthcare
Group Eye Institute @ Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

Takeshi Iwase
MD, PhD, Professor and Chairman,
Department of Ophthalmology,
Akita University Graduate School of Medicine,

Dr Michael W. Stewart
Mayo Clinic,

Dr. Rishi
Associate Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology and
Visual Sciences at the University of Nebraska Medical Center,

Dr Ekta Rishi,
Vitreo Retina specialist

Dr Lalit Agarwal
Vitreous Retina macula specialist,
Birat Eye Hospital,

Dr. Sanyam Bajimaya
is currently working at Tilganga Eye Center, Guashala, Kathmandu as a Consultant Cataract and Vitreo-Retina Surgeon.
He is Asst. Professor of Ophthalmology Program in National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Nepal.
He is Managing Director and Consultant Eye Surgeon at
Netradham Eye Care Center.
is currently working at Tilganga Eye Center, Guashala, Kathmandu as a Consultant Cataract and Vitreo-Retina Surgeon.
He is Asst. Professor of Ophthalmology Program in National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS), Nepal.
He is Managing Director and Consultant Eye Surgeon at
Netradham Eye Care Center.

Dr. Kiran Shakya
Consultant Phaco & Vitreo-retinal surgeon,
Grande City Hospital,

Dr William Rojas-Carabali
MD from the Universidad del Rosario in Colombia.
He served as a Research Fellow in the Advanced Ophthalmic
Imaging Research Group at New York University.
And currently he is a research fellow in the department of
bioinformatics at LKC school of medicine in Singapore

Dr Laura Gutierrez
Colombian ophthalmologist currently working in AI and
Digital innovation lab in Singapore
Eye research institute

Dr. Aniruddha Agarwal
Associate Staff Physician in the Eye Institute at
Cleveland Clinic,
Abu Dhabi.