Constitution and Bye-Laws
(With amendments adopted at the General Body Meetings, till 4th December, 2015)
Article : I
The name of the society shall be “Vitreo Retinal Society – India”, the term “society” hereinafter used in the constitution shall imply the “Vitreo Retinal Society – India”.
Article II: Governance
The Society shall be governed by this Constitution and its Bye-laws
The registered office of the society will be located at the place and address of the Hon. Secretary.
The objectives of the Society shall be:
i) To cultivate and promote practice and research in the diseases of Retina, Vitreous and allied disciplines of Ophthalmology.
ii) To accelerate and promote professional and social fellowship among the members of the society and provide all opportunity to each member to undertake, promote and participate in all the activities of the society so as to
realize their full potential.
iii) To contribute to mutual exchange of knowledge and appreciation of each others challenges amongst the members of the society.
iv) To promote continuing education in the field of retina and vitreous and allied specialties of ophthalmology by organizing (a) seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences and refresher courses and (b) by publishing papers, pamphlets and journals on academic and non-academic matters pertaining to the society.
v) To promote the development and research of instruments and appliances in the field of retina, vitreous and allied specialties with a view to manufacture and encourage such products in developing countries.
vi) To encourage the formation and eventual affiliation of state vitreo-retinal surgeons associations and to co-ordinate with other association and societies of allied disciplines.
vii) Publishing journals, proceedings, newsletters on academic and related matters pertaining to the society whenever adequate funds are available.
viii) Instituting awards and orations
ix) Organizing exhibitions of machinery and appliances pertaining to practice of retina, vitreous and other specialties in ophthalmology and allied sciences with a view to encourage and improve manufacture of such instruments and appliances in India and other developing countries.
x) Maintaining liaison with, and affiliation to the all India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS).
xi) Co-operating with other medical societies/associations.
xii) Ensuring ethical practice and professional conduct of its members as laid down
by the society from time to time.
xiii) Raising finances through subscriptions / contributions / donations from members and non-members and creating special funds to run the activities of the society.
xiv) Acquiring and disposing movable and immovable property and assets by purchasing, constructing, altering, maintaining, selling or mortgaging properties that may be necessary for the aforesaid objectives.
xv) Framing bye-laws, rules and regulations and to amend, add, alter, or delete the same as and when necessary.
xvi) Doing all such other things as may be incidental to or conducive to attaining the aims and objectives of the society.
Article V. Membership
The Society will have the following type of membership.
1) Regular Life Members
All Ophthalmologists (with degree recognized by MCI) with documented fellowship training in the field of Retina and Vitreous residing in India will be eligible. Applicants should have completed fellowship training of at least 1 year, or senior residency of 2 years in a Retina Unit of a medical college.
2) Associate Life Members
All Ophthalmologists with Secondary or Casual interest in the field of Retina Vitreous and Allied disciplines and Scientists, Health personnel engaged in research in the field and residing in India will be eligible.
3) International Life Members
International members will be those persons who fulfill the criteria in clauses 1 and 2 above and are not residents of India.
4) Honorary Members
President on behalf of the Governing Council may invite a distinguished professional of this field to be Honorary member for various periods.
5) Members in Waiting :
An Applicant for membership, whose application is found in order but not ratified by the General Body and membership confirmed by official communication from the office of Hon. Secretary. All categories of members will participate in all activities of the Society, But only Regular members will have voting rights and can hold office. Associate members and International members may apply for a change to Regular membership when qualified to do so.
1. All subscriptions for Life memberships shall be a one-time payment.
2. Membership fee for Regular and Associate Life Membership is at present Rs.5000/-. This may be modified at suitable intervals after approval by the GBM.
3. Membership fee for International Life member is USD 700 for high-income countries, USD 500 for middle-income countries, and USD 250 for low-income countries.
4. The fee amount may be altered by the Governing Council from time to time.
All members will have the right to participate in and benefit from all academic activities of the Society. Only the Regular Life members will constitute the General Body, can vote and hold office.
If a member opts to pay Life Membership subscription in two installments under Article VI
(1) he will be treated as Life Member only after he pays both the installments. Till such time he will be treated as a Member in Waiting.
Membership of the society will cease :
a) By voluntary resignation
b) On death
c) By a decision of 2/3rd of the members of the Governing Council on the ground of Professional misbehavior or misconduct provided the same is ratified by a General Body Meeting by a simple majority. Any Life Member who has ceased to be a member pursuant to the provisions of this clause may be re-admitted on such terms as the Governing Council may think fit (by a decision of 2/3rd of the members of the governing council, provided the same is ratified by a General Body Meeting by a simple majority). Notice to this effect be given a month before the General Body
d) If a member fails to pay the second installment within a period of one year after it has become due and has been notified to the member by a registered latter.
The affairs of the society shall be managed by the Governing Council elected by the General Body.
I. Composition
The Governing Council shall have the following office bearers
G) MEMBERS : Minimum : 1
Maximum : 3
J) ONE REPRESENTATIVE from the Local Organising Committee to be co-opted prior to the Annual Conference.
1) President (Chair)
2) Secretary
3) Treasurer
4) Convenor Scientific Committee
1) Convenor Scientific Committee
2) President
3) Secretary
4) Representative of Organising Committee
a) All members of the Governing Council shall be elected by online ballot at an annual general meeting every 2 years. The out-going office bearers may seek re-election unless he or she is disqualified on other grounds as mentioned in the rules.
b) The tenure of the Governing Council is 2 years.
c) A member can apply only for one position.
d) No office bearer of the Society hall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms of two years each. However, re-election to same office will be permitted after a gap of at least one term.
e) An out-going office bear shall hand over charge by delivering all papers of the society to the new elected office bearer within one month of election.
f) An office bearer may be removed by resolution of a general body by 2/3rd majority.
g) The out-going office bearers may seek re-election unless disqualified as mentioned in article VIII or completing a second consecutive term of the same office.
h) No member can file nomination for more than one post in a given election.
The Notice of the General Body meeting shall be sent by the Hon. Secretary to every member at least one month before the date of the meeting either by sending it by post, under certificate of posting, registered post or fax or email. (Amended 2015) The Hon.Secretary shall fix the date of the General Body Meeting in consultation with the
1. All regular members shall constitute the General Body of the society.
2. It shall govern the affairs of the society through the elected office bearers and Governing Council.
Minimum of 10% of total regular members registered for the meeting. In case the quorum is not present at the start of the general body meeting, it shall be adjourned for 30 minutes and reconvened on the same day and at the same venue. Adjourned general body meeting will not require any quorum.
1. The Members of the Governing Council shall meet as often as required and one-fourth of the members of the Governing Council shall be a quorum for the said meeting.
2. The secretary shall circulate the agenda for the meeting to the office bearers at least one month prior to the date of the meeting.
3. The President shall preside at the meeting of the office bearers and in his absence the Vice President shall preside over the said meeting. In absence of both President and Vice President the meeting will be presided over by the Hon. Secretary, or any other member of the Governing Council decided at that time.
4. The President or Presiding officer will have a casting vote in event of a tie.
5. The voting at any meeting of the office bearers may be by ballot or by raising of hand.
6. The President shall be the exclusive head for important matters and policy and shall preside over all general body meetings and shall be responsible for upholding the constitution of the Society and shall approve the mandates of the general body and the meeting of the office bearers and all decisions shall be executed under his orders.
7. The Vice President shall perform the functions of the President in the absence of the President.
The functions of the Governing Council shall be as under :
1. To frame rules and regulations for conducting the business of the Society and / or its any centre, institution, activity conducted by the Society which shall not be inconsistent with the object, rules and regulations of the society.
2. To consider and recommend the applications for membership as per rules.
3. To appoint, promote, punish, suspend, remove or dismiss employees and to frame / alter / modify / cancel rules and regulations of the service conditions and wages of the employees.
4. To raise loans and/or accept deposits with or without security and decide the terms and conditions on which they should be accepted and to offer necessary security thereon.
5. To sanction loan and Advances for conduct of annual meeting and other events organized by the society from time to time.
6. To arrange for proper maintenance of accounts and preparation of balance sheets, statements etc. and submission of progress reports and other obligatory returns before the General Body Meeting and then to submit or forward the same to the concerned authorities.
7. To see that the verifications of the property including stock of the Society is done every year.
8. To do all such other acts and things that are necessary
9. To convene the Annual General Body or Special General Body Meeting whenever necessary.
10. To shift the office of the society to any suitable and convenient place in India as and when found necessary by the Governing Council.
11. To purchase or otherwise acquire movable or immovable property for the achievement of the objects of the society.
12. To sell, lease out, mortgage, change, exchange, donate, gift or otherwise dispose of any porting and/or whole property on such terms and conditions as the Governing Council may think fit and proper in the interest of the Society with prior approval of the General body.
13. To elect Governing Council after every 2 years.
14. To create different earmarked funds and to spend out of them for the objects of the society.
15. To form/reform dissolve committees/subcommittees for carrying out any one or more objects/functions of the society.
16. To frame/alter/modify/cancel rules regarding scope and functions and Honorarium of the said committees and sub-committees framed as per the above clause.
17. To fix/revise the Honorarium of any member of the Governing Council.
18. File appeals, applications, petitions before any court/authority/commissioner, whenever found necessary in carrying out the objects of the Society.
19. To suggest amendments to the Memorandum and/or rules of the society.
20. To look after the properties and funds of the society and keep them in good condition.
21. To develop the property.
22. It shall be lawful for the members of the Governing Council to re-imburse themselves out of the funds of the Society, all costs and expenses incurred in carrying out the works of the Society.
23. The Governing Council shall be competent to delegate any of its powers to the President, Hon. Secretary of the Governing Council, or any Committee or sub-committee formed for specific purpose.
24. Subject to the rules and regulations and resolutions passed by the Society at the General Body Meeting, the Governing Council shall have full authority to carry on the business as provided for in the Memorandum of Association of the society and can call for its meeting whenever necessary. Governing council shall meet as and when required.
25. Business of an urgent nature may be disposed of by calling out special meeting of Governing Council or by circulation of relevant papers amongst the members of the Governing Council provided that a resolution is passed by a 3/4th majority of the members of the Governing Council to ratify such action. All such resolutions passed
accordingly by circulation will be ratified in the subsequent meeting of the Governing Council.
26. Any casual vacancy in the Governing council on account of death, resignation etc. of a member of the Governing Council shall be filled in by the remaining members of the Governing Council by co-option and such member shall hold the office till the remaining tenure of the Governing Council.
27. In case of any vacancy arising in the Governing Council for any reason whatsoever, the remaining members shall be competent to function in the normal course provided that there are at least as many members as are required to form the
quorum for the meeting.
TA/DA for meetings held other than Annual General Body Meeting.
TA/DA for Office Bearers should be decided as per the available funds of the society. This provision is only meant for meetings held during the year before the annual general body meeting. These allowances will not be allowed/sanctioned for attending the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
The President of the society shall preside at and conduct and regulate all meetings of the society, the Governing Council or sub committees of which he may be a member and his rulings on any point of order and decision as to the results of voting shall be final and conclusive. The Chairman shall in addition to his rights of voting as member have a casting vote in case of a tie. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall have the authority to interpret the rules and regulations for the purpose of conducting and regulating the meeting and deciding the questions arising at such meeting. President will represent the Society. President shall constitute Subcommittees to be confirmed by the General Body.
Vice President shall perform all the functions of the President in the absence of the President.
i. To manage the day to day affairs of the Society under the direction of the President.
ii. To attend and reply all correspondence on behalf of the society.
iii. To supervise the work and functions and activities of the society and get them done in proper manner.
iv. To authorize expenses upto Rs.25,000/- without previous sanction of the Governing council and shall get it ratified in the next meeting of the Governing Council. (Amended, 2015)
v. Shall keep the report of the working of the society before the Governing council and General Body Meeting.
vi. To convene all meetings of the Governing Council and the General Body in Consultation with the President.
vii. To record proper Minutes of the proceedings at the Meetings of the Governing Council and of the General Body in separate minute books as may be kept for the purpose and give effect to all resolutions passed at such meetings.
viii. To keep a register of the members of the society as per the societies Registration Act, 1860, and to make arrangements for the recovery of subscriptions.
The Hon. Joint Secretary shall officiate in the absence of Hon. Secretary.
i) To have custody of all funds and money of the society.
ii) To have custody of all account books and bank pass books, receipt books, vouchers and other concerned files.
iii) To accept any money and pass receipts.
iv) To keep detailed and regular accounts.
v) To prepare the Budget and accounting statements and get them approved by the Governing Council and get them audited.
vi) To place the audited statements before the General Body.
vii) To make payments only when supported by a voucher duly counter signed by the Hon. Secretary.
The Honorary Joint Treasurer shall officiate in absence of Hon Treasurer.
1) Shall plan and propose programmes for theScientific Meetings / Conferences of the Society for approval and finalized by the Scientific Committee.
2) Propose Special invitees, process the cases for Academic recognition, honour or support for and on behalf of the Scientific Committee.
3) May propose the formation of subcommittees, such as, Site Slection Committee and Annual Programme Committee to aid and assist the functioning of the Scientific Committee.
The annual general body meeting of the society will be held once every year during the annual conference with prior notice of one month before the date of the meeting from the Hon. Secretary, in consultation with the President. It will be presided over by the President, in his absence by the Vice-President, and in his absence by the Hon. Secretary or any once else elected to preside this specific meeting All regular life members shall constitute the general body.
1. To confirm the Minutes of the previous General Body Meeting
2. To discuss matters arising from the Minutes of this Meeting.
3. To present Hon. Secretary’s Report.
4. To pass the budget for the ensuring year.
5. To present and approve the audited statement of previous year.
6. To elect members of Governing Council every two years by process of election.
7. To appoint CA and an Auditor and to sanction remuneration for the same.
8. To consider amendments for the rules, if duly proposed and seconded by members.
9. To lay down policy.
10. Any other matter with the permission of the President
11. To discuss the outlines of next year’s functions and working.
1. President can call a General Body Meeting for an important purpose with one month’s notice.
2. On request in writing made by 2/5th of the members of the society, the Hon. Secretary/President shall call a General Body Meeting within a month’s time from the date of such notice. In the event of Secretary/Chairman failing to call for the General Body Meeting for a specific purpose mentioned in the Notice then the members themselves can call for the requisitioned meeting by designating one of them as Convenor for the purpose. Such requisitioned meetings shall always be held in the office of the Society.
Annual Meeting :
1. The Society shall organize Symposium/workshops/conferences etc. at least once in a year.
2. It may host or organize an international conference in place of the scheduled conference.
3. Normally a period of six months would be given for notifying the scientific meeting of the association.
4. The scientific meeting will be organized by a committee on behalf of the Vitreo Society – India, according to its constitution and bye-laws. Amendment 2015
5. VRSI shall hold local CMEs once in a quarter for the benefit of general ophthalmologists and retina specialists, in different parts of the country. The support provided by VRSI will be on an actual expenditure shown against bills,
upto a maximum of Rs. 50,000 for each CME program. (Amended 2015)
Journal/Proceedings :
It may start publication of a journal which will specifically deal with the subject of retina and vitreous and allied speciality, whenever funds are available.
Electronic Media
The society might chose to use any of the modern electronic media such as Web Site.
Guidelines for institution of new awards
1. Proposer should be from a member of at least 15 years of good standing in the Society.
2. The person on whom the award proposed to be instituted should have:
a. Good scientific background in vitreo-retinal diseases (>30 publications)
b. Actively contributed to uplift the standards in the area of vitreo-retinal diseases
c. Should be above the age of 60 years.
d. Indian origin living in India or outside India.
3. Process of approval:
a. Will be by a committee constituting current president, immediate past president, Hon. Secretary, immediate past Hon. Secretary, Convener-Scientific Committee and immediate-past Convener, Scientific Committee. The quorum should be at least 4 members out of six.
b. Above for the new award will be fixed by the above said committee from time to time.
c. At present the minimum amount fixed at Rs. 5 Lacs for an award and Rs. 10 Lacs for an oration.
Started by Dr S Natarajan in the year 2000 by contributing Rs. 1.0 Lakh to the Endowment Fund to mark the 100th Birth Centenary of his grandfather late Dr. S. Nataraja Pillai. Recipients of Nataraja Pillai Oration Award are:
BIJAYANAND PATNAIK AWARD (Instituted in 2011 – given Alternate years):
He/she should be a member of the VRS-I with over 15 years in the Society; over 15 years of experience and has contributed towards the development of Vitreo Retinal Surgery in India; has good academic background with publications and has participated in an extensive manner in the scientific deliberations of the society.
S.S. HAYREH AWARD (Instituted in 2010 – Given Alternate Years)
He/she should be a member of the VRS-I with over 15 years in the Society; over 15 years of experience and has contributed towards the development of Vitreo Retinal Surgery in India; has good academic background with publications and has participated in an extensive manner in the scientific deliberations of the society.
1. He/She should have been a member of the Society for at least 10 years.
2. He/She should be above the age of 65 years.
3. He/She should have made substantial contribution to the development of Vitreo Retina sub-speciality in India.
4. He/She should be a member of good standing.
5. Selection of recipient for the subsequent years will be done by the Governing Council during the annual conference.
6. Award will consist of:
a. A Citation.
b. The recipient will address the members during the annual conference for a period of 10 minutes in the award session.
c. The award will be given at the inaugural function of the VRS-I annual conference.
d. The registration fee for all subsequent VRS-I annual conferences will be waived off to the Life Time Achievement Award recipient.
J.M. PAHWA Award
The best free paper presented at the annual VRSI meeting at the J.M. Pahwa session shall be given the award. The award shall be presented to the candidate presenting the free paper. The paper that is presented should not have been published in a Journal at the time of presentation.
Best Poster Award
The best poster presented at the annual VRSI meeting at the poster session shall be given the award. The award shall be presented to the first author of the poster presentation. The poster that is presented should not have been published in a Journal at the time of presentation.
Best Video Award
The best video for innovation and quality of surgery presented at the annual VRSI meeting shall be awarded the best video award. The awarded shall be presented to the candidate presenting the video.
Funds :
The funds of the society shall be kept under:
a) Reserve Funds : All regular and international membership subscriptions under
<<Membership>> section. Only interest of this fund shall be transferred to the
general fund.
b) Donations to institute awards and orations under <<Awards and Orations>> section.
c) Any other income or unconditional donations, at discretion of Governing Council.
d) General Fund
- Meeting registration charges shared with local organizing committee as laid down in the bye-laws
- Trade exhibition charges, shared with local organizing committee, as laid down in the bye-laws.
The following expenses shall be borne by the society
A) Expenses borne by the office of the Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer shall be subsidized / borne by the society as laid down in the bye-laws.
B) Expenses borne by the office of the Convenor, Scientific Committee shall be subsidized.
C) Payments made toward holding of conference, workshops Printing of stationaries postage for efficient working of the society.
D) VRSI can book meeting rooms when conducting GCM in other conferences. Funds shall be allocated for conducting GCM in a professional manner at all times. (Amended 2015)
E) Complimentary registration for former VRSI presidents shall be provided at VRSI annual meetings. (Amended 2015)
The money which is not required for immediate use shall be invested as approved under the Provisions of the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 and/or Provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1900.
The Society may raise loans if necessary for furtherance of the objects of the society from any individual, Bank, Financial Institutions etc. on interest free basis or on payment of Interest, with or without hypothecating or mortgaging property of the society. However approval of the General Body and sanction of the Charity Commissioner, Bombay is
necessary for raising such loan.
The accounting year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March every year.
The bank account shall be opened in any one or more scheduled bank/s, post office or approved co-operative bank/s in the name of the Society, and shall be operated jointly by a President and/or Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
The following records shall be kept by the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer :
1) Membership Register
2) Proceeding Books
3) Notice Book
4) Attendance Books
5) Voucher File
6) Receipt Books
7) Cash Book and other subsiding register
8) Any other registers that may be necessary
9) Property Register in the prescribed from
i) Subject to the provision of Sec. 35 and/or Sec.36 of the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 the society can purchase/sell, give/accept gift, exchange, acquire, dispose, alienate any immovable property.
ii) No persons in whom for the time being any fund money, any property, movable or immovable of the society may be vested shall be answerable for any loss arising in the administration or application of the said fund money / property unless such loss or damage or deterioration shall happen by or through the willful default or neglect as determined by the Governing council or its authorized sub-committee.
Under this provision of Constitution, bye-laws can be made which can be amended from time to time by simple majority in a General Body Meeting.
The Governing Council may recommend any amendment, addition alteration or deletion to the constitution, provided they give at least 30 days of clear notice with the details of proposed amendments to the members of the society before the general body meeting.
2/3 of members attending and voting at the General Body Meeting is necessary for
passing the resolution.
If at any time a question of changing the name of the society of amendments / alterations, additions to the objects of the society shall arise then it will be lawful for the Governing Council to do the same after following the procedure laid down in Section 12, 12A, 12B and 12C of the Societies Registration Act 1860.
The Provisions of Section 12, 12A, 12B and 12C of the societies Registration Act 1860 is reproduced below:
12 Societies enabled to alter, extend or abridge their purposes – Whenever it shall appear to the governing body of any society registered under this Act which has been established for any particular purpose or purposes, that it is advisable to alter, extend,or abridge such purpose to or for other purposes within the meaning of this Act, or to amalgamate such society either wholly or partially with any other society, such governing body may submit the proposition to the members of the society in a written or printed report, and may convene a special meeting for the consideration thereof according to the regulations of the society;
But no such proposition shall be carried into effect unless such report shall have been delivered or sent by post to every member of the society ten days provious to the special meeting convened by the governing body for the consideration thereof, nor unless such proposition shall have been agreed to by the votes of three-fifths of the members delivered in person or by proxy, and confirmed by the votes of three-fifths of the members present at a second special meeting convened by the governing body at an interval of one month after the former meeting.
12-A Registration of change of name – (1) Where a proposition for change of name has been agreed to and confirmed in the manner prescribed by Sec. 12, a copy of the proposition so agreed to and confirmed shall be forwarded to the Registrar for registering the change of name. if the proposed change in the name is in his opinion undesirable for any of the reasons mentioned in Sec. 3-A the Registrar shall refuse to register the change of name.
(2) Save as provided in sub-section (1), the Registrar shall, if he is satisfied that the provisions of this Act in respect of change of name have been complied with, register the change of name and issue a certificate of registration altered to meet the circumstances of the case. On the issue of such a certificate the change of name shall be complete.
(3) The Registrar shall charge for any copy of a certificate issued under-section (2) a fee of rupee one and all fees so paid shall be accounted for to the State Government.
(4) If, through inadvertence or otherwise, a society is registered by a name which should not have been registered (due regard being had to the provisions of Sec. 3-A), the Registrar may, after hearing the party concerned, direct the society to change the name, and the society shall change its name within a period of three months from the date of the directions in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or such longer period as the Registrar may think fit to allow.
12-B. Effect of change on name. – The change in the name of a society shall not effect any rights or obligations of the society or render defective any legal proceeding by or against the society; and any legal proceeding which might have been continued or commended by or against it by its former name may be continued or commended by or against it by its new name.
12-C. Registration of change of names effected before coming into force of Bom. Act 53 of 1958.-If any society registered this Act has, before the date of the coming into force of the Societies Registration (Bombay Amendment) Act, 1948, intimated to the Registrar of Companies the change of its name and if the Registrar has recorded such change, the
Registrar may, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, on an application made by the society in this behalf and on payment of a fee as provided for in sub-section (3) of Sec. 12-A, register the change of such name and issue a certificate to the society under sub-section (2) of the said Sec.12-A. On the issue of such certificate the change shall be
deemed to be complete from the date on which such change was recorded by the Registrar, notwithstanding the fact that the society had not followed the procedure prescribed in Sec.12 and 12-A.
A) For any reason whatsoever if the activities of the Society come to standstill or require to be wound up, the Governing Council by a resolution shall apprise the financial position to the General Body and after setting all accounts, debts, the resolution to that effect shall be passed by not less than 3/5th of the members whose names are in the membership registers of the society in a Special General Body Meeting convened for that purpose with a written notice of clear 30 days given to all members of the society.
B) However, on the dissolution of the Society, if after satisfying all its debts and liabilities whereto remain any property or properties movable or immovable whatsoever shall not be given or distributed amongst the members of the society
but shall be handed over to any other society and/or public Trust having the same or similar objects for which this society is formed and/or as per orders of the objects for which this society is formed and/or as per orders of the Court. However,
the procedure for dissolution, laid down in section 13 and 14 of the Societies Registration Act, 1860 will be followed.
Formed under Article XXIII of the Constitution
If any matter in these bye-laws is in conflict with the constitution, the same provisions of the constitution shall have supremacy.
District/City/Other Association/Societies having the same/similar interest in the diseases of retina and vitreous :
a) They may be affiliated to VRS-I after being approved by the Governing Council and the general body.
b) The societies shall frame their own constitution which shall not be in conflict with the constitution of VRS-I. In the absence of their own constitution and bye-laws, constitution and bye-laws of VRS-I will apply.
c) Each affiliated society shall pay an affiliate fee (one time) of Rs.20,000/-.
d) Each affiliated city and other societies must have at least 6 members on its rolls who are members of VRS-I.
e) These societies shall be autonomous so far as the internal management and working are concerned.
President / Vice President
1. Vitreo retinal specialist for at least 10 years and member of the society for at least 5 years.
2. Should have participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
3. Should have held position of an Office Bearer.
4. Vitreo-retinal specialist for at least 15 years and member of the society for at least 15 years. (Amended 2015)
Hon. Secretary / Joint Secretary / Hon. Treasurer / Joint Treasurer
1. Should have participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
2. Vitreo-retinal specialist for at least 8 years and member of the society for at least 8 years. (Amended 2015)
3. Should have been a member of the Executive Committee for at least one full term.
Convenor, Scientific Committee
1. Vitreo retinal specialist for at least 8 years and member of the society at least 8 years.
2. Should have participated in the scientific / organizational activities of the society.
3. Should have held a position of an Office Bearer.
Executive Member :
1. Vitreo-retinal specialist for at least 3 years and member of the society for at least 3 years. (Amended 2015)
Chairman of various committees can co-opt more members in consultation with office bearers sub-committee.
1. Hon. Secretary shall invite nominations for the posts for election three months before the annual conference.
2. Only regular life members of the society are eligible to seek any official position.
3. The nomination paper of office bearers shall be accompanied by a bio-data on prescribed form duly proposed and seconded by regular members of the society along with consent signed by the candidate. The bio-data will be circulated by the office of the Secretary to all regular members of the Society. The contesting candidates will be requested not to write personal letters to any members of the society and refrain from any form of campaigning.
4. Only regular members of the society are eligible to vote. A list of eligible voters (of regular members) will be supplied by the Secretariat office to all candidates on request.
5. Arrangements for voting shall be done by the secretary in collaboration with the local organizing committee.
6. President will constitute an election commission. The election commission shall consist of 3 members preferably from among past presidents. One of the members of the election commission will be made the chief election and returning officer. An aggrieved candidate may represent to the election commission and it will be considered by the full commission. The decision of the full commission will be final, binding and irrevocable.
7. In case of a tie the casting vote of the president of the meeting will decide the result.
1. The office of the Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer shall be partly maintained by the society by paying the part time secretary as follows:
(Amended 2015)
Clerical Assistance for Hon. Secretary Rs 10,000 per month
Clerical Assistance for Hon. Treasurer Rs. 25,000 per annum
Clerical Assistance for Convenor
Scientific Committee Rs. 8,000 per month
The above expenses are permitted provided funds are available. This is in addition to the
expenses of stationery, mailing and postage
A) It will be published before the next annual conference subject to availability of funds.
B) Deficit in the production of the proceedings shall be paid by the society.
1. Venue : The venue of the annual conference shall be selected at least 2 years in advance.
Delegate Fee : The delegate fee will be decided by the Governing Council from time to time.
The delegate fee structure will be as follows
Without late fee with late fee Spot fee
Member X X+20% X+40%
Non-Member Y Y+20% Y+40%
Y will be at least 20% more than X.
Only invited international non-members may be exempted from delegate fees. Invitation shall be suggested by the President of the VRS-I. The number of invitation may be restricted depending on the availability of funds for the annual meeting. All past Presidents of VRS-I shall be given exemption from registration. (Amended 2015)
2. Any member may propose an amendment, addition, alteration or deletion to the constitution or bye laws giving a minimum of 60 days of clear notice before the general body meeting. The proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing with explanatory notes as to its reason and shall be duly seconded and signed by 5 other members of the society.
3. Quorum for amendment of the constitution shall be same as the general body meeting i.e. 10% of the total membership registered for the meeting.
4. Any amendment, addition, alteration, deletion in the constitution shall be made if approved by 2/3rd majority of the members present at the general body meeting.
5. A member who wishes to bring resolutions for the General Body Meeting shall do so and send the resolutions duly proposed and seconded by members of the society at least two months before the date of the conference. Resolutions received thereafter will not be accepted. Resolution should be sent with an explanatory note as to reason/reasons for its consideration.
6. To execute agreement between Organizing Committee and governing Council.
The Governing Council Members can have a Meeting on fax, e-mail internet or any electronic media or whatever is the latest electronic facility available without meeting in person. This meeting would be considered as an official Governing Council Meeting provided its proceedings are ratified in a subsequent governing council meeting.
No retina vitreous meeting shall be organized by a member of the society during or within one month either side of the annual conference of the society at the city/town of the conference.
This transaction must be completed within 90 days of completion of the meeting. The transaction shall be handled by the Hon. Treasurer. At completion of the transaction, the members of the Executive Committee shall be kept informed immediately, and the general body at the next General Body Meeting. The entire financial surplus (after meeting all
expenses) will be transferred to the VRS-I.
The following Agreement to be executed by the Governing Council and the Organising Committee before an Annual Conference.
The President,
Vitreo-Retinal Society – India
Dear Sir,
Having had a desire to host the Annual Conference of your prestigious society, we have formed an Organising Committee. I, on behalf of the said Organising Committee have the honour to invite the society to hold its next meeting at …….. from …… to ………….. We agree to all the terms and conditions of the society including :
1. The name of the conference will be”……. Annual Conference of Vitreo Retinal Society – India-……”
2. The organizing Committee (OC) will be entirely responsible for all the arrangements for the conference including the meetings of the Governing Council and General Body of the VRS-I.
3. The Organising Committee will be free to raise funds in the name of VRS-I.
4. The delegate fee will be, as agreed between the society and the organizing committee.
5. The Vitreo-Retinal Society – India will not be required to make up for any loss suffered by the Organising Committee. Any surplus after meeting all expenses will be transferred to the V.R.S.-I.
6. The organizing Committee shall maintain complete transparency utmost probity in Financial Management of the Conference. It shall provide the VRS-I with an audited balance sheet within 3 months of the end of the conference.
7. The Scientific Programme is the sole responsibility of the VRS-I. The Organising Committee will however nominate one member to interact with the Convenor-Scientific Committee, VRS-I so that there is harmony in the arrangements of the conference. The O.C. will however publish and circulate the conference Brochure, announcements etc. as a part of the Conference activity. The programmee of the conference to be included in the conference literature must have explicit and written approval of the President/Secretary of VRS-I.
8. In case the Organising Committee violates the terms of this agreement, the Society may take appropriate actions including cancellation of its permission to hold the conference and shift the venue elsewhere. All the money collected for the VRS-I Conference would be then transferred to the society.
9. The Organisers will make sure that the hall, audiovisual, etc and facilities pertaining to academic activities shall be of highest quality.
10. The Organisers will provide detailed information in the conference brochures regarding the venue, accommodation available, distances from venue and airport/railway station, transport facilities, meal facilities etc. so that the delegates
are well prepared and not put to inconvenience. The organizers should provide conveyance to and from the venue.
11. Protocol for President, Secretary, Special invitees (eg. Speaker for Oration) : All due courtesy will be shown. The/will be received and seen off at Airport/Station. The local hospitality should include appreciate boarding, lodging and transport for the President, Hon. Secretary and Convenor Scientific Committee.
Chairman Organising Committee Organising Secretary
(Annual Conference of VRS-I………….)
Vitreo-Retinal Society – India